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Global Sources

Global sources are sources available globally for mapping in any element at any moment, like Site Source.

Request Source

The Request Source feeds from the current page request exposing the following fields.

Request Source Mapping

TimestampThe date and time the page was requested, e.g. 2024-05-10 10:20.
HrefThe href tha was requested, e.g.
IPThe IP from which the page was requested, e.g.
MethodThe method the pas was requested with , e.g. GET.
OriginThe origin from which the page was requested, e.g.
User AgentThe agent from which the page was requested, e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh....
ParamThe URL query param specified by a name or path, e.g. foo or foo.0.
QueryThe URL query, e.g. ?foo=bar&q=zoo.
SchemeThe URL scheme, e.g. http.
HostThe URL host, e.g.
PortThe URL port, e.g. 3360.
PathThe URL path, e.g. /index.php.
FragmentThe URL fragment, e.g. #fragment.