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Custom Form Action

Learn how to create a custom After Submit Action.

Follow the bellow steps to create your first action, you can alternatively use this action example in GitHub which includes more details and a working code. Also notice that core actions are a very useful resource to get started and can be found in the modules/forms/actions directory relative to the installation folder.

Extending YOOtheme Pro

The following guide assumes you are already familar with coding, PHP, and extending YOOtheme Pro.

1. Create the Action Class

An Action is a Class extending StandardAction executed during the after-submission process, let's declare it in a YOOtheme Pro Module. If you are not familiar with those please review YOOtheme Pro Documentation first.

// myaction/MyAction.php

namespace MyActionNameSpace;

use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Form\Action\StandardAction;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Form\Action\ActionConfigurationException;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Form\Http\FormSubmissionResponse;

class MyAction extends StandardAction
    public function __invoke(FormSubmissionResponse $response, callable $next) : FormSubmissionResponse
        // This is the `Form` class. It holds all the form configurations
        $form = $response->submission()->form();

        // This is the user-submitted data
        $data = $response->submission()->data();

        // This is the action configuration, any dynamic setting has already been resolved
        $config = (object) $this->getConfig();

        // validate configuration
        if (!$config) {
            throw ActionConfigurationException::create($this, 'Config Error Message', $e);
            // or throw new \Exception('Error Message...');

        // by calling $next() the next action in queue will
        // be executed receiving the altered response
        return $next($response->withData([]));

Both the action configuration (inputed by the Developer) as the action data (submitted by the User) can be validated during runtime by throwing a proper Exception.

Any \Exception thrown during the action execution will stop the entire actions chain, with the difference that the ActionConfigurationException error will be visible only while in the Customizer giving a hint what action has triggered the error. Use it to warn the integrator that some configuration is wrong or missing.

2. Create the Action Config

Besides a Class, each Action requires a config.json or config.php file that will declare the name, icon, and fields of the action for its configuration. Here's an example that is very similar to that of an element.json as is based on the same config creation workflow.

// myaction/config.json
  "name": "my-action",
  "title": "My Action",
  "icon": "${url:~root/path/to/icon.svg}",
  "fields": {
    "name": {
      "label": "Action Name",
      "description": "A name to identify this action."
    "foo": {
      "label": "Foo",
      "description": "..."

3. Declare the Action

Finally, each action must be registered by adding a reference to the Class and Config to the yooessentials-form-actions key of the config.php or bootstrap.php file of a child theme or plugin.


require_once __DIR__ . '/myaction/MyAction.php';

return [

    'yooessentials-form-actions' => [
        MyAction::class => __DIR__ . '/myaction/config.json'
