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Alter Action

The Alter Action adds or alters the submitted data allowing a wide range of use cases.

  • Duplicate a submitted date with a custom format for consequent actions use.
  • Add context information to the Submission, e.g. the Request -> Timestamp (current date & time) or IP.
  • Add sensitive data without the need to expose it in a hidden input.

Order is important

Notice that this action must be executed before any other action that rely on the altered data.

DataThe list of data entries to add to the submission.
--NameThe name or key for the data entry, if data already exists it value will be overwritten.
--ValueThe value for the data entry.
Action NameThe name to reference this action.
StatusDefines if the action is enabled or disabled.
ExecutionA composed condition that must be met in order for the action to be executed.