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Forms Events

JavaScript events triggered by each form for which is possible to add listeners and perform custom actions. Set those in a custom script as illustrated bellow or as a form area setting.

On Submit

Triggers before submission allowing to prevent the action.

UIkit.util.ready(function () {
  // local
  UIkit.util.on('#form-id', 'form:submit', function (e) {
    // e.preventDefault();

  // global
  UIkit.util.on(document, 'yooessentials-form:submit', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {form}
    // e.preventDefault();

On Submitted

Triggers after submission, preventing the action is no longer possible.

UIkit.util.ready(function () {
  // local
  UIkit.util.on('#form-id', 'form:submitted', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {response}

  // global
  UIkit.util.on(document, 'yooessentials-form:submitted', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {form, response}

On Submission Error

Triggers on submission error or server side validation error.

UIkit.util.ready(function () {
  // local
  UIkit.util.on('#form-id', 'form:submission-error', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {error, errors, validation}

  // global
  UIkit.util.on(document, 'yooessentials-form:submission-error', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {form, error, errors, validation}

On Validation Error

Triggers on HTML5 validation error.

UIkit.util.ready(function () {
  // local
  UIkit.util.on('#form-id', 'form:validation-error', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {data}

  // global
  UIkit.util.on(document, 'yooessentials-form:validation-error', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {form, data}

On Field Change

Triggers when any field value has changed.

UIkit.util.ready(function () {
  // local
  UIkit.util.on('#form-id', 'form:field-change', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {field, data}

  // global
  UIkit.util.on(document, 'yooessentials-form:field-change', function (e, ctx) {
    // ctx = {form, field, data}