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Download the Essentials for YOOtheme Pro plugin and install it by following the official Joomla extension installation or the WordPress plugin installation instructions. After a successful installation, a plugin named Essentials YOOtheme Pro (a.k.a. yooessentials) should be listed and enabled.

Installation Folder

The plugin will be installed under the plugins/system/yooessentials for Joomla and wp-contents/plugins/yooessentials directory for WordPress.

Essentials can be updated using the platform update system. Whenever a new version of is available, you will receive a notification in the platform dashboard. Before you can update, you have to first add your Essentials Download ID.

Download ID

An Essentials Download ID is an alphanumeric code and is created individually for each website. Without it, you won't be able to update Essentials. You can find and manage your IDs in the Download IDs section of your account.

Download ID

Once obtained, set it in your site, an action that slightly differs for each platform.


Locate the ZOOlanders Installer Plugin and input the Download ID into it settings.

Download ID Joomla


Locate the ZOOlanders Settings Panel in Global Settings, then input the Download ID into it settings.

Download ID WordPress

Minimum Stability

Choose the minimum stability for Essential updates on your site, either Stable or Beta.

StableThis release is a version which has been thoroughly tested by both our team and the community. Use it for production sites.
BetaThis release is a version which has been thoroughly tested by our team. Use it to help us test and prevent issues in the Stable release.

In Joomla go to the Installer Options in the Global Configuration.

Minimum Stability Joomla

Notice that this option applies to all theme and extension updates.


In WordPress go to the ZOOlanders Settings Panel in Global Settings.

Minimum Stability WordPress