Custom Facebook Dev App
Learn how to create a custom Facebook Dev App and get your own credentials. Once ready, you can use the resulting Access Token into the respective Facebook Auth driver to authenticate.
1. Create a New Dev App
Go to and choose "Other".
On Next Choose "Business".
On Next fill in the details and Create app.
From the left column or from the dashboard, add both Facebook Login for Business and Instagram Graph API products leaving all settings as per their defaults.
2. Generate Access Token
Go to Select from the list of apps on the right the app you just created, and add the following permissions in the permissions list:
- instagram_basic
- pages_show_list
- pages_read_engagement
- pages_read_user_content
- business_management
Be sure that the list matches with the screenshot and Generate Access Token.
- When prompted login with the account that created the app itself.
- Select the business accounts (or all of them).
- Select the pages you want to give access to.
- Select the Instagram accounts you want to allow.
- Confirm.
Account Permissions
The Access Token should be generated with the account that created the app or at least one of the accounts listed in the app as Testers, Developers or Administrators. If you don’t do this, you will need to publish the app and get through the facebook review process (not recommended).
You now have an access token. Click on the Info icon and then on the Open in Access Token Tool.
Click on Extend Access Token and copy the new Access Token. Use that token when authenticating a source with your custom app.
3. Authenticate a Source
Now that you have an access token create a Facebook or Instagram Business source. When authenticating choose Custom App, past the generated access token and complete the source setup.
Token Expiration
Note that the token will be auto-renewed by the source when used, but it may expire if not used enough during the given time period. If it does, you will need to generate a new token.