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Source Providers

Each Essentials multi-instance source relies on a provider that manages the source instances and workflow. To learn more about sources, refer to the corresponding documentation.

Airtable Source

The Airtable Source feeds data from Airtable bases supporting Record and Records queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Airtable Source Configuration

AccountThe Airtable Account which to authenticate with.
BaseThe Airtable base which to retrieve the data from.
TableThe Airtable base table which data to create the source with.

Airtable Record Query

Fetches a single record from an Airtable base and resolves to Airtable Record Type.

Record IDThe ID of the record to query.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Airtable Records Query

Fetches records from an Airtable base and resolves to a list of Airtable Record Type.

ViewOptional table view to use instead of a raw query.
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Airtable Record Type

The record type will be dynamically generated based on the Airtable base table schema by mapping Airtable field types with GraphQL types as follows.

Airtable Field TypesTypeFilters
Number, Count, Currency, Duration, Percent, Rating, Auto numberInt
AI Text, Long Text, Rich text, Single line textStringLimit
Date, Date and time, Created time, Last modified timeStringDate
Multiple selectString with separator
Created by, Last modified by, Collaborator, Multiple collaboratorsAirtable User
Multiple attachmentsAirtable Attachment

Every record has the following fields available regardless of it schema.

IDThe unique identifier of this record.String
Created TimeThe unixstamp when this record was created.StringDate

Airtable User Type

EmailThe user email.String
NameThe user name.String
IDThe user unique identifier.String

Airtable Attachment Type

URLThe attachment url, e.g.
Notice that URLs expire 2 hours after being returned from the Airtable API.
FilenameThe attachment filename, e.g. foo.jpg.String
TypeThe attachment content type, e.g. image/jpeg.String
SizeThe attachment file size, in bytes.Int
WidthThe attachment width in pixels, if attachment is an image.Int
HeightThe attachment height in pixels, if attachment is an image.Int
ThumbnailThe attachment thumbnail, if attachment is an image.String
IDUnique attachment id.String

Cloudflare Stream Source

The Cloudflare Stream Source feeds data from Cloudflare Stream supporting Video and Videos queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Cloudflare Stream Source Configuration

TokenThe Cloudflare API Token which to authenticate with.
AccountThe Cloudflare account which to connecto to.
Signing KeyAn auto-generated key used to signing private videos. Not necessary for public videos.

Cloudflare Stream Video Query

Fetches a single video from the authenticated account and resolves to a Cloudflare Stream Video Type.

Cloudflare Stream Video Query

VideoThe Cloudflare Stream video to create the source from.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Cloudflare Stream Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Cloudflare Stream Video Type.

Cloudflare Stream Videos Query

SearchThe video name search term by which to filter the results.
Since/UntilRestricts the results to videos that have been published within the specified range of dates.
StatusThe status by whic to filter the results, within Ready, Queued, In Progress, Downloading, and Error.Ready
QuantityThe amount of videos to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Cloudflare Stream Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a Cloudflare Stream Video object.

Cloudflare Stream Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
TitleThe title of this video.StringLimit
Iframe URLGenerates an iframe URL with Autoplay, Loop, Muted, Controls, and Time arguments.String
Preview URLThe preview URL of this video.String
Playback URLThe streaming playback URL of this video.String
SizeThe formated size of this video.String
DurationThe duration of this video in seconds.Int
WidthThe width of this video in pixels.Int
HeightThe height of this video in pixels.Int
ThumbnailThe path to the dynamically generated and locally cached thumbnail of this video, with Time, Height, Width, and Fit arguments.String
Thumbnail (animated)The path to the dynamically generated and locally cached animated thumbnail of this video, with Time, Height, Width, and Fit arguments.String
Created AtThe time this video was created.StringDate
Modified AtThe time this video was last modified.StringDate
Uploaded AtThe time this video was uploaded.StringDate

CSV Source

The CSV Source feeds data from local CSV or TSV files supporting Records query with dynamic filtering and/or ordering.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

CSV Source Settings

FileThe relative or absolute local path to the file which to use as source.
DelimeterThe delimiter character the content is formated with.,
EnclosureThe enclosure character the content is formated with."

CSV Records Query

Fetches records from the file and resolves to a list of dynamically generated CSV record type based on the file schema.

CSV Records Query

FiltersThe list of filter conditions applied to the query.[]
OrderingThe list of ordering conditions applied to the query.[]
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Database Source

The Database Source feeds data from local or external MySQL Database Tables, supporting Record and Records queries with relations and dynamic filtering and/or ordering.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Database Source Configuration

DatabaseThe name of the database to which to connect to. Defaults to the site database.
TableThe table from which to create the source.
Primary KeyThe primary key of the selected table, this is specially important when using relations.
Custom ConnectionShould the connection to the database use custom connection instead of the site one.
RelationsThe list of relations and their configuration.

The connection to the database will use the site configuration, but if Custom Connection is enabled the settings inputs will be used instead with support for local as remote servers.

Database Instance Connection

HostThe IP or domain of the database server.
PortThe port which to use to connect to the server.
Username / PasswordThe credentials which to use to connect to the server.

Complex data structures typically involve several tables related between them, if that's the case you can set as many relations as needed of the type:

One to OneAlso known as BelongsTo, where a single entry relates with another single entry, e.g. Article belongs to an Author.
One to ManyAlso known as HasMany, where a single entry relates with multiple entries, e.g. Article is assigned to many Categories.

Database Instance Relations

NameThe name to associate the relation with. Should be meaningfull, e.g. Author.
Relation TypeThe relation type, One to One or One to Many.
Related TableThe table that is being related with the main table.
Main Table KeyThe column key from the main table to use for the relation.
Related Table KeyThe column key from the related table to use for the relation.

MySQL Views

Relations can get complex and difficult to debug, an alternative simpler approach is to create a MySQL View with the relations solved and use that view as the main table.

Database Record Query

Fetches a single record from the table and resolves to a dynamically generated record type based on the table schema.

Database Record Query

FiltersThe list of filter conditions applied to the query.[]
OrderingThe list of ordering conditions applied to the query.[]
RandomShould the ordering be randomized ignoring any ordering condition.false
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Database Records Query

Fetches records from the table and resolves to a dynamically generated list of record type based on the table schema.

Database Records Query

FiltersThe list of filter conditions applied to the query.[]
OrderingThe list of ordering conditions applied to the query.[]
RandomShould the ordering be randomized ignoring any ordering condition.false
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Facebook Source

The Facebook Source feeds data from Facebook supporting Page and Page Posts queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Facebook Source Configuration

AccountThe Facebook Account which to authenticate with.
PageThe Facebook page from which to create the source content.

Facebook Page Query

Fetches the content from the page resolving to a list of Facebook Page Type.

Facebook Page Query

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Facebook Page Posts Query

Fetches the posts from the page resolving to a list of Facebook Page Post Type.

Facebook Page Posts Query

LimitThe maximum amount of posts to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Facebook Page Type

Defines the mapping options of a Facebook Page object.

Facebook Page Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this Page.String
NameThe name of this Page.String
UsernameThe alias of this Page, e.g for the username is platform.String
LinkThe Page's Facebook URL.String
CategoryThe Page's category, e.g. Product/Service, Computers/Technology.String
DescriptionThe description of this Page.StringLimit
Description HTMLThe description of this Page in raw HTML.String
AboutInformation about this Page.StringLimit
General InfoGeneral information provided by this Page.StringLimit
WebsiteThe URL of this Page's website.String
WhatsApp NumberThe WhatsApp number of this Page.String
Total RatingsNumber of public ratings for this Page.Int
Total FollowersNumber of page followers.Int
Total MentionsNumber of people talking about this Page.Int
Page Person OptionsDescriptionTypeFilters
BirthdayThe birthday of this Person Page.StringDate
Personal InfoThe personal info of this Person Page.StringLimit
Personal InterestsThe personal interests of this Person Page.StringLimit
AffiliationThe affiliation of this Person Page.StringLimit

Facebook Page Post Type

Defines the mapping options of a Facebook Page Post object.

Facebook Page Post Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this post.String
PermalinkThe permanent static URL of this post, e.g
Picture URLThe full size picture attached to this post.String
MessageThe message written in this post.StringLimit
FromThe name of the user, page, group, or event that published this post.String
TagsThe profiles tagged in post message as a custom formated string with Separator, Show Link and Link Style arguments.String
Created AtThe time this post was published.StringDate
Updated AtThe time this post was last updated, which occurs when a user comments on this post.StringDate
Is PublishedWhether this post was published.Boolean
Is ExpiredWhether this post has expiration time that has passed.Boolean
Is HiddenWhether this post has been set to hidden.Boolean
Is PopularWhether this post is currently popular based on whether the total actions as a percentage of reach exceeds a certain threshold.Boolean
Total SharesNumber of times this post has been shared.Int
Total LikesNumber of times this post has been liked.Int
Total CommentsNumber of comments made on this post.Int
Total ReactionsNumber of times people reacted to this post.Int
Parent IDUnique identifier of a parent post for this post, if it exists.String

Google Business Profile Source

The Google Business Profile Source feeds data from Google Business Profile supporting Location, Review, Reviews, Media and Posts queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Google Business Profile location Source

AccountThe Google Account which to authenticate with.
ProfileThe Google Business Profile from which to retrieve the locations.
LocationThe Google Business Profile location from which to create the source.

Google Business Profile Location Query

Fetches a single location from the profile resolving to a Google Business Profile Location Type.

Google Business Profile Location Query

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600
Multiple Items
-- Business HoursA subquery fetching this location open hours.
-- Special HoursA subquery fetching this location special hours.

Google Business Profile Review Query

Fetches a single review from the profile location resolving to a Google Business Profile Review Type.

Google Business Profile Review Query

ReviewThe location review which content to fetch.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Business Profile Reviews Query

Fetches reviews from the profile location resolving to a list of Google Business Profile Review Type.

Google Business Profile Reviews Query

Order ByThe order by which to fetch the reviews, Latest, Rating Ascending, or Rating Descending.Latest
QuantityThe maximum amount of reviews to fetch.10
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Business Profile Media Query

Fetches media from the profile location resolving to a list of Google Business Profile Media Type.

Google Business Profile Media Query

QuantityThe maximum amount of media to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Business Profile Posts Query

Fetches posts from the profile location resolving to a list of Google Business Profile Post Type.

Google Business Profile Post Query

QuantityThe maximum amount of posts to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Business Profile Location Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Location object.

Google Business Profile Location Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this location.String
TitleThe title of this location.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description of this location.StringLimit
PhoneThe primary phone number of this location.String
WebsiteThe website of this location.String
CategoryThe primary category that describes this location business.String
LabelsThe free-form tags of this location, separated by a comma.String
LanguageThe language of this location.String
Store CodeThe external identifier for this location.String
CoordinatesThe latitude and longitude for this location, separated by a comma.String
LatitudeThe latitude for this location.String
LongitudeThe longitude for this location.String
Total ReviewsThe number of reviews for this location.Int
Average RatingThe average star rating of all reviews for this location on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest rating.Int
Reviews URIThe Google URI pointing to this location reviews.String
New Review URIThe Google URI pointing to a form where a new review for this location can be posted.String
Google Maps URIThe Google Maps URI pointing to this location.String
Google Maps Place IDThe Google Maps Place ID for this location.String
AddressThe address for this location.Postal Address

Google Business Profile Review Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Location Review object.

Google Business Profile Location Review Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this location.String
CommentThe body of this review comment as plain text with markups.StringLimit
Original CommentThe comment of this review without translation.StringLimit
Translated CommentThe translated comment of this review.StringLimit
Star RatingThe star rating given by this review where five is the highest rated.Int
Created AtThe date this review was created.StringDate
Updated AtThe date this review was last modified.StringDate
ReplyThe owner/manager of this location's reply to this review.Review Reply Type
ReviewerThe author of this review.Reviewer Type

Google Business Profile Review Reply Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Review Reply object.

Google Business Profile Review Reply Mapping

CommentThe body of this reply as plain text with markups.StringLimit
Updated AtThe date this reply was last modified.StringDate

Google Business Profile Reviewer Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Reviewer object.

Google Business Profile Reviewer Mapping

Display NameThe name of the reviewer, only populated with the reviewer's real name if is not anonymous.String
Profile Photo URLThe path to the locally cached reviewer profile photo.String
Is AnonymousIndicates whether the reviewer has opted to remain anonymous.Boolean

Google Business Profile Post Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Post object.

Google Business Profile Post Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this post.String
URLThe link to the post in Google search.String
Topic TypeThe topic type of the post, STANDARD, EVENT, OFFER, or ALERT.String
SummaryThe description/body of the post.String
Primary Media URLThe path to the locally cached post primary media thumbnail.String
LanguageThe language of the post.String
Created AtThe date this post was created.StringDate
Updated AtThe date this post was last modified.StringDate
Coupon CodeOffer code that is usable in store or online.String
Redeem Online URLOnline link to redeem this offer.String
Terms & ConditionsTerms and conditions of this offer.String

Google Business Profile Media Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Media object.

Google Business Profile Media Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this media.String
DescriptionThe description of this media.StringLimit
FormatThe format of this media, PHOTO, VIDEO, OR MEDIA_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED.String
WidthThe width of the media, in pixels.String
HeightThe height of the media, in pixels.String
Thumbnail URLThe path to the locally cached media thumbnail.String
Source URLA publicly accessible URL where the media can be retrieved from.String
Google URLThe Google-hosted URL for this media. For video this will be a preview image with an overlaid play icon.String
Created AtThe date this media was created.StringDate
Total ViewsThe number of times this media has been viewed.Int
Profile NameThe name of the attributed user.String
Profile URLThe URL of the attributed user's Google Maps profile page.String
Profile Photo URLThe path to the locally cached attributed user's profile photo thumbnail.String
Location Association
CategoryThe category that this location photo belongs to.String
Price List Item IDThe ID of a price list item that this location media is associated with.String

Google Business Profile Period Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile time period object.

Google Business Profile Time Period Mapping

Open PeriodThe current period during which the location is open, formated as {start time} - {end time} with a custom time format setting.String
Open DayThe day of the week this period starts on.String
Close DayThe day of the week this period ends on.String
Open TimeThe time this period starts on.StringTime
Close TimeThe time this period ends on.StringTime

Google Business Profile Postal Address Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Postal Address object.

Google Business Profile Postal Address Mapping

OrganizationThe name of the organization for this address.String
AddressThe address lines separated by comma.String
Address FullThe address lines with postal, locality and area separated by comma.String
LocalityThe city/town portion of this address.String
SublocalityThe sublocality of this address, this can be neighborhoods, boroughs, districts.String
Administrative AreaThe highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region.String
Region CodeThe CLDR region code of the country/region of this address.String
Sorting CodeThe country-specific sorting code, if applicable.String
Postal CodeThe postal code of this address, if applicable.String
Language CodeThe BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address.String

Google Calendar Source

The Google Calendar Source feeds data from Google Calendar supporting Calendar, Event and Events queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Google Calendar Configuration

AccountThe Google account which to authenticate with.
CalendarThe Google calendar which data to create the source with.

Google Calendar Query

Fetches the Calendar data resolving to a Google Calendar Type.

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Calendar Event Query

Fetches a single event from the calendar and resolves to a Google Calendar Event Type.

Event IDThe ID of the event to query.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Calendar Events Query

Fetches events from the calendar and resolves to a list of Google Calendar Event Type.

QueryOptionaly filter matching terms in the summary, description, location, attendee's displayName and attendee's email fields.
Time Min / MaxLower and Upper bounds (exclusive) for an event's start or end time to filter by. Can be date without time, e.g. 2011-06-03 formated as Y-m-d, in which case the current time will be appended, or a timestamp with time zone offset, e.g. 2011-06-03T10:00:00-07:00 formated as c.
Order ByThe order by which to query the events. Start Time, by event start date/time (ascending) or Updated, by event last modification time (ascending). The default is an unspecified, stable order.Default
QuantityThe maximum amount of events to query, cannot be higher than 2500.250
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Calendar Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Calendar object.

IDUnique identifier of the calendar.String
SummaryTitle of the calendar.StringLimit
DescriptionDescription of the calendar.StringLimit
LocationGeographic location of the event as free-form text.StringLimit
Time ZoneThe calendars default time zone.String

Google Calendar Event Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Calendar Event object.

IDOpaque identifier of the event.String
URLAn absolute link to the event in the Google Calendar Web UI.String
TypeSpecific type of the event, default, outOfOffice, focusTime or workingLocation.String
StatusStatus of the event, confirmed, tentative or cancelled. -String
VisibilityVisibility of the event, default, public, private, or `confidential*String
SummaryTitle of the event.StringLimit
DescriptionDescription of the calendar.StringLimit
LocationGeographic location of the event as free-form text.StringLimit
StartThe (inclusive) start time of the event. For a recurring event, this is the start time of the first instance.StringDate
EndThe (exclusive) end time of the event. For a recurring event, this is the end time of the first instance.StringDate
CreatedCreation time of the event.StringDate
UpdatedLast modification time of the event.StringDate
CreatorThe creator of the event.Google Calendar Profile Type
OrganizerThe organizer of the event.Google Calendar Profile Type
AttendeesThe attendees of the event.Google Calendar Attendee Type
AttachmentsFile attachments of the event.Google Calendar Attachment Type

Google Calendar Profile Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Calendar Profile object.

IDIdentifier of the profile.String
EmailThe profile's email.String
NameThe profile's name.StringLimit

Google Calendar Attendee Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Calendar Attendee object.

IDIdentifier of the attendee.String
EmailThe attendee's email.String
NameThe attendee's name.StringLimit
CommentThe attendee's name.StringLimit
Response StatusThe attendee's response status, needsAction, declined, tentative or accepted.String
Is OrganizerWhether the attendee is the organizer of the event.Boolean
Is ResourceWhether the attendee is a resource.Boolean
Is OptionalWhether this is an optional attendee.Boolean
Additional Guests CountNumber of additional guests.Int

Google Calendar Attachment Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Calendar Attachment object.

IDIdentifier of the attached file.String
TitleTitle of the attachment.StringLimit
Mime TypeInternet media type (MIME type) of the attachment.String
File URLURL link to the attachment.String
Icon URLURL link to the attachment's icon.String

Google Photos Source

The Google Photos Source feeds media from Google Photos supporting Album, Albums and Album Media queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Google Photos Configuration

AccountThe Google account which to authenticate with.

Google Photos Album Query

Fetches a single album resolving to a Google Photos Album Type.

Album IDThe ID of the album to query.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Photos Album Media Query

Fetches media from a single album resolving to a list of Google Photos Media Type.

Album IDThe ID of the album to query.
TypeThe media type which to query, All, Images or Videos.All
Order ByThe order by which to query the media Date (desc) or Date (asc).Date (desc)
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Photos Albums Query

Fetches all albums from the library resolving to a list of Google Photos Album Type.

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Google Photos Album Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Photos Album object.

IDUnique identifier of the album.String
TitleTitle of the album.StringLimit
Cover Photo URLThe album cover photo URL.String
Total Media CountThe album total amount of media.Int

Google Photos Media Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Photos Media object.

IDOpaque identifier of the media.String
URLThe path to the locally cached media file, with optionall arguments Width and Height .String
DescriptionDescription of the media. This is shown to the user in the item's info section in the Google Photos app.StringLimit
FilenameFilename of the media. This is shown to the user in the item's info section in the Google Photos app.String
MIME TypeMIME type of the media. For example, image/jpeg.String

Google Photos Metadata Type

Defines the mapping options of a Google Photos Metadata object.

WidthOriginal width (in pixels) of the media.Int
HeightOriginal height (in pixels) of the media.Int
Creation TimeTime when the media was first created (not when it was uploaded to Google Photos).String
Camera BrandBrand of the camera with which the photo was taken.String
Camera ModelModel of the camera with which the photo was taken.String
Frame RateFrame rate of the media in case is a video.Int
Camera ISOISO of the camera with which the photo was taken.Int
Focal LengthFocal length of the camera lens with which the photo was taken.Int
Aperture FAperture f number of the camera lens with which the photo was taken.Int
Exposure TimeExposure time of the camera aperture in seconds when the photo was taken.String

Google Sheets Source

The Google Sheets Source feeds data from Google Sheets supporting Records query.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Google Sheets Instance Configuration

AccountThe Google Account which to authenticate with.
SpreadsheetThe spreadsheet which to retrieve the data from.
SheetDefaultThe spreadsheet sheet which data to create the source with.
Start ColumnAThe starting column to restrict the sheet data with.
End ColumnZThe ending column to restrict the sheet data with.

Google Sheets Records Query

Fetches records from the spreadsheet and resolves to a dynamically generated list of record type based on the sheet schema.

Google Sheets Records Query

Start1The offset applied to the query.
Quantity20The limit applied to the query.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Instagram Source

The Instagram Source feeds data from Personal and Business Instagram accounts supporting Media, Media Single, Hashtagged Media and User queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Instagram Source Settings

AccountThe Instagram Account which to authenticate with.
PageThe Facebook Page associated with the Instagram Business account. Not applicable for Instagram Personal.

Instagram Media Query

Fetches media from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Instagram Media Type.

Instagram Media Query

TypeThe type of media to fetch, All, Image, or Video.All
OffsetThe offset media to fetch.0
LimitThe maximum amount of media to fetch.20
Since/UntilThe start and/or end datetime the fetched media will be restricted to.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Instagram Media Single Query

Fetches a single media from the authenticated account and resolves to a Media Type.

Instagram Media Single Query

IDUnique identifier of the media to retrieve.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

If the Media is of Album Type you can fetch it media with the Multi Items query which resolves to a list of Instagram Album Media Type.

Instagram Album Media Query

IDUnique identifier of the media to retrieve.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Instagram Hashtagged Media Query

Fetches top and recent hashtagged media from the authenticated business account and resolves to a list of Instagram Media Type.

Instagram Hashtagged Media Query

HashtagThe hashtag to query for.
EdgeShould the query look for Top Media or Recent Media hashtagged with.Top
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600


Take into consideration that this query is available for Instagram Business Accounts only and that the API imposes the following limitations:

  • Only returns public photos and videos.
  • Will not return promoted/boosted/ads media.
  • Responses will not always be in chronological order.
  • Maximum of 30 unique hashtags within a 7 day period.

Instagram User Query

Fetches the user profile from the authenticated account and resolves to a Instagram User Type.

Instagram User Query

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.0


This query is only available for Instagram Business Accounts

Instagram Media Type

Instagram Media Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this media.String
TypeThe type of this media, Album, Image, or Video.String
URLThe path to the locally cached media asset.String
Thumbnail URLThe path to the locally cached media thumbnail asset.String
PermalinkThe Instagram Media URL, e.g.
CaptionThe caption content.StringLimit
HashtagsThe media hashtags as a custom formated string with Separator argument.String
Created AtThe time this media was created.StringDate
Created ByThe username of the user who created this media.String
Business Only OptionsDescriptionType
Total CommentsNumber of comments made one this media.Int
Total LikesNumber of user that liked this media.Int

Instagram Album Media Type

Instagram Album Media Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this media.String
TypeThe type of this media, Album, Image, or Video.String
URLThe path to the locally cached media asset.String
Thumbnail URLThe path to the locally cached media thumbnail asset.String
PermalinkThe Instagram Media URL, e.g.
Created AtThe time this media was created.StringDate
Created ByThe username of the user who created this media.String

Instagram User Type

Instagram User Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this user.String
NameThe name of this user.String
WebsiteThe website of this user profile.String
BiographyThe biography of this user profile.StringLimit
Picture URLThe profile picture URL of this user.String
Total FollowersNumber of Instagram users following this user.Int
Total FollowsNumber of Instagram users this user follows.Int
Total MediaNumber of Instagram Media published on this user.Int

RSS Source

The RSS Source is a specialized version of the XML Source that feeds data from RSS 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, and Atom specifications supporting Feed and Entries queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

RSS Source Settings

URLThe feed URL from which to generate the source content.

RSS Feed Query

Fetches information from the feed and resolves to a dynamically generated feed type based on it schema.

RSS Source Feed Query

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

RSS Entries Query

Fetches records from the feed and resolves to a list of dynamically generated record type based on the feed schema.

RSS Source Entries Query

FiltersThe list of filter conditions applied to the query.[]
OrderingThe list of ordering conditions applied to the query.[]
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

TikTok Source

The TikTok Source feeds media from TikTok supporting My Videos query.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

TikTok Source Configuration

AccountThe TikTok Account which to authenticate with.

TikTok My Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of TikTok Video Type.

TikTok Videos Query

Filter by IDFilter videos comma separated list of IDs, up to maximum 20 videos.
Filter by dateFilter videos created before the specified date.
StartThe starting point, e.g of a list of 20 videos start from the number 2.1
QuantityThe maximum amount of videos to retrieve.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

TikTok Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a TikTok Video object.

TikTok Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
TitleThe title of this video, max length 150.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description for this video, max length 150.StringLimit
DurationThe duration of this video in seconds.Int
WidthThe width of this video.Int
HeightThe height of this video.Int
CoverThe path to the locally cached video cover.String
Embed LinkThe embed link of for this video.String
Embed HTMLThe HTML code for embedded video.String
Share URLA shareable link for this video. Note that the website behaves differently on Mobile and Desktop devices.String
Created AtThe time this video was created.StringDate
Total SharesNumber of times this video has been shared.Int
Total LikesNumber of times this video has been liked.Int
Total CommentsNumber of times this video has been commented.Int
Total ViewsNumber of times this video has been viewed.Int

Twitter Source

The Twitter Source feeds data from Twitter supporting My Tweets and User queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Twitter Source Configuration

AccountThe Twitter Account which to authenticate with.

My Tweets Query

Fetches tweets from the authenticated account resolving to a list of Tweet Type.

Twitter Tweets Query

Since/UntilThe start and/or end datetime the fetched tweets will be restricted to.
LimitThe maximum amount of tweets to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Twitter User Query

Fetches the authenticated user account resolving to a list of Twitter User Type.

Twitter User Query

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Tweet Type

Defines the mapping options of a Twitter Tweet object.

Twitter Tweet Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this Tweet.String
TextThe content of the Tweet.StringLimit
Text HTMLThe content of the Tweet as HTML.StringLimit
PermalinkThe Tweet URL, e.g.
Created AtThe time this Tweet was created.StringDate
LanguageLanguage of the Tweet, if detected by Twitter. Returned as a BCP47 language tag.String
Total RetweetsNumber of times this Tweet has been Retweeted.Int
Total RepliesNumber of Replies of this Tweet.Int
Total LikesNumber of Likes of this Tweet.Int
Total QuotesNumber of times this Tweet has been Retweeted with a comment (also known as Quote).Int

Twitter User Type

Defines the mapping options of a Twitter User object.

Twitter User Mapping

IDUnique identifier of this user.String
UsernameThe Twitter handle (screen name) of this user.String
Created AtThe time this user account was created.StringDate
Profile URLThe URL specified in the user's profile, if present.String
Profile NameThe friendly name of this user, as shown on their profile.String
Profile ImageThe path to the locally cached profile image for this user, as shown on the user's profile.String
Profile DescriptionThe text of this user's profile description (also known as bio), if the user provided one.StringLimit
Total FollowersNumber of users who follows this user.Int
Total FollowingNumber of users this user is following.Int
Total TweetsNumber of Tweets (including Retweets) posted by this user.Int
Total ListedNumber of lists that include this user.Int

Vimeo Source

The Vimeo Source feeds media from Vimeo supporting My Videos, My Folder Videos and My Showcase Videos queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Vimeo Source Configuration

AccountThe Vimeo Account which to authenticate with.

Vimeo My Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Vimeo Video Type.

Vimeo My Videos Query

QueryThe search term by which to filter the videos.
AttributeThe video attribute by which to filter the videos, within Featured, Live, and No Live.
TagsComma separated tags by which to filter the videos.
SortThe order of the videos, within Default, Alphabetical, Date, Modified, Duration, Last User Action, Total Plays, and Total Likes.Default
DirectionThe order direction of the videos, Ascending or Descending.Descending
PageThe page number of the videos.1
Per PageThe number of videos to return on each page, up to a maximum of 100.25
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Vimeo My Folder Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account specific folder and resolves to a list of Vimeo Video Type.

Vimeo My Vimeo Folder Videos Query

Folder IDThe unique identifier of the folder from which to retrieve the videos.
Include SubfoldersWhether to include videos of all subfolders.
QueryThe search term by which to filter the videos.
SortThe order of the videos, within Default, Alphabetical, Date, Duration, and Last User Action.Default
DirectionThe order direction of the videos, Ascending or Descending.Descending
PageThe page number of the videos.1
Per PageThe number of videos to return on each page, up to a maximum of 100.25
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Vimeo My Showcase Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account specific showcase and resolves to a list of Vimeo Video Type.

Vimeo My Vimeo Showcase Videos Query

Showcase IDThe unique identifier of the showcase from which to retrieve the videos.
PasswordThe password of the showcase in case it has one.
QueryThe search term by which to filter the videos.
SortThe order of the videos, within Default, Alphabetical, Date, Duration, and Last User Action.Default
DirectionThe order direction of the videos, Ascending or Descending.Descending
PageThe page number of the videos.1
Per PageThe number of videos to return on each page, up to a maximum of 100.25
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Vimeo Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a Vimeo Video object.

Vimeo Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
URLThe URL of this video, e.g.
Custom URLThe custom URL of this video.String
TypeThe type of this video, live (is or was a live event), stock (is a Vimeo Stock video), or video (standard Vimeo video).String
TitleThe title of this video.StringLimit
DescriptionA brief explanation of this video's content.StringLimit
DurationThe duration of this video in seconds.Int
LanguageThe primary language of this video.String
LicenseThe Creative Commons license given to this video under BY, BY-NC, BY-NC-ND, BY-NC-SA, BY-ND, BY-SA, or CC0.String
ThumbnailThe path to the locally cached video picture.String
WidthThe width of this video in pixels.Int
HeightThe height of this video in pixels.Int
TagsA formated list of all tags assigned to this video, joined with a custom separator.String
CategoriesA formated list of all categories this video belongs to, joined with a custom separator, optional link and style.String
Created AtThe time this video was created.StringDate
Released AtThe time this video was released.StringDate
Modified AtThe time this video was modified.StringDate
Total PlaysNumber of times this video has been played.Int
Total CommentsNumber of times this video has been commented.Int

Vimeo User Type

Defines the mapping options of a Vimeo User object.

Vimeo User Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this user.String
URLThe absolute URL of this user profile page.String
NameThe display name of this user.String
GenderThe gender of this user.String
BioThe long bio text of this user.StringLimit
Bio ShortThe short bio text of this user.StringLimit
LocationThe location of this user.String
Is ExpertWhether the creator enrolled in and successfully completed the Vimeo Experts program.String

XML Source

The XML Source feeds data from any XML URL or local file, reading its structure and building a dedicated query and source types to the best of its abilities.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

If the source is a remote file, the URL and an optional API key-based authentication are required:

XML Source URL Settings

URLThe feed URL from which to generate the source content.
Requires AuthenticationIf the URL is protected by authorization.
AuthenticationThe authentication details to use.

When authentication is present, you can specify its details. Currently, only the API key method is supported, either via a header or a query parameter.

API Key Auth Settings

API KeyThe API key to use.
API Key ModeWhere the key is set, in a header or in a query parameter.
Parameter NameThe name of the header or of the query parameter where the API key is set.

If the source is a local file, the file path is required.

FileThe relative or absolute local path to the file to use as source.

XML Source URL Settings

Optionally, an XPath filter can be set, which will allow narrowing down your XML file if needed. It's also possible to map some of the result item properties to dedicated types, to make better use of YOOtheme Pro filters, such as dates or numbers.

XML Settings

XPath FilterOptional XPath filter, like /jobs/job.
Data TypesData type mapping for each field.

XML Query

Fetches records from the XML file and resolves to a list of dynamically generated record types based on the feed schema.

XML Source Query

StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube Source

The YouTube Source feeds data from YouTube supporting Videos, My Channel, My Channel Video, My Channel Videos, My Channel Playlist, My Channel Playlist Videos, My Playlist Video and My Playlist Videos queries.

Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

If the source is based on a YouTube channel or playlist an oAuth authentication is required.

YouTube Source Configuration Account

YouTube Source Configuration Channel

YouTube Source Configuration Playlist

AccountThe Google Account which to authenticate with.
ChannelThe YouTube Channel from which to create the source.
PlaylistThe YouTube Playlist from which to create the source.

If the source is based on YouTube videos an API Key is required instead.

YouTube Videos Source Configuration

API KeyThe Google API Key which to authenticate with.

YouTube Videos Query

Fetches public videos with advanced query params resolving to a list of YouTube Video Type.

YouTube Videos Query

Videos IDRestricts the results to videos created by a specific channel ID.
Channel IDRestricts the results to videos created by a specific channel ID.
Query TermThe list of terms the videos should be associated with. Use the Boolean NOT (-) and OR (|) operators to exclude or find videos that are associated with one of several search terms. For example, to match either "boating" or "sailing", set as boating|sailing. Similarly, to exclude "fishing", set as boating|sailing -fishing.
Since/UntilRestricts the results to videos that have been published within the specified range of dates.
Location/RadiusLocation in conjunction with radius, defines a circular geographic area to which to restrict the videos. The location points the center of the area with latitude/longitude coordinates e.g. 37.42307,-122.08427, while the radius is the maximum distance from the location in m, km, ft, or mi units, e.g 5km.
RegionRestricts the results to videos that can be viewed in the specified country. The value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, e.g ES.
LanguageRestricts the results to videos that are most relevant to the specified language. The value is typically an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, however, you should use the values zh-Hans for simplified Chinese and zh-Hant for traditional Chinese. Note that results in other languages will still be returned if they are highly relevant to the search query term.
DefinitionRestricts the results based on the videos quality, either High Definition, Standard Definition, or Any. HD videos are available for playback in at least 720p, though higher resolutions, like 1080p, might also be available.Any
DurationRestricts the results based on the videos duration, either Long, longer than 20 minutes, Medium, between four and 20 minutes, Short, less than four minutes, or Any.Any
StartThe starting point, e.g of a list of 20 videos start from the number 2.1
QuantityThe maximum amount of videos to retrieve.20
OrderThe order in which the videos will be returned, within Date, reverse chronological order based on the date the videos were created, Rating, from highest to lowest rating, Relevance, based on their relevance to the search query, Title, alphabetically by title, or View Count, from highest to lowest number of views.Relevance
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube My Channel Query

Fetches the channel content resolving to a YouTube Channel Type.

My YouTube Channel Query

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube My Channel Video Query

Fetches a single video from the channel resolving to a YouTube Video Type.

My YouTube Channel Video Query

VideoThe playlist video which content to fetch.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube My Channel Videos Query

Fetches videos from the channel resolving to a list of YouTube Video Type.

My YouTube Channel Videos Query

StartThe starting position to retrieve the videos at.1
QuantityThe maximum amount of videos to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube My Channel Playlist Query

Fetches a single playlist from the channel resolving to a YouTube Playlist Type.

My YouTube Channel Playlist Query

PlaylistThe YouTube Playlist which content to fetch.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600
Multi ItemsThe related multi-items content to query instead with Videos as the only option.

YouTube My Channel Playlist Videos Query

Fetches videos from the playlist resolving to a list of YouTube Video Type.

My YouTube Channel Videos Query

StartThe starting position to retrieve the videos at.1
QuantityThe maximum amount of videos to fetch.20

YouTube My Playlist Video Query

Fetches a single video from the playlist resolving to a YouTube Video Type.

My YouTube Playlist Video Query

VideoThe playlist video which content to fetch.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube My Playlist Videos Query

Fetches videos from the playlist resolving to a list of YouTube Video Type.

My YouTube Playlist Videos Query

StartThe starting position to retrieve the videos at.1
QuantityThe maximum amount of videos to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

YouTube Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a YouTube Video object.

YouTube Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
TitleThe title of this video.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description of this video.StringLimit
URLThe YouTube public URL, e.g.
Iframe PlayerGenerates an HTML embed video player with several configuration settings.String
Published AtThe date this video was published.StringDate
Thumbnail URLThe URL to this video thumbnail with different size options, Low, Medium (default), High Resolution, Standard, and `Max Resolution*String
Thumbnail WidthThe width of this video thumbnail with same size options as for URL.String
Thumbnail HeightThe height of this video thumbnail with same size options as for URL.String
Total ViewsNumber of times this video has been viewed.Int
Total CommentsNumber of comments for this video.Int
Total LikesNumber of users that have indicated they like this video.Int
Total DislikesNumber of users that have indicated they dislike this video.Int

YouTube Channel Type

Defines the mapping options of a YouTube Channel object.

YouTube Channel Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this channel.String
TitleThe title of this channel.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description of this channel.StringLimit
CountryThe country with which this channel is associated.String
Published AtThe date this channel was published.StringDate
Thumbnail URLThe URL to this channel thumbnail with different size options, Low, Medium (default), High Resolution, Standard, and Max ResolutionString
Thumbnail WidthThe width of this channel thumbnail with same size options as for URL.String
Thumbnail HeightThe height of this channel thumbnail with same size options as for URL.String
Total ViewsNumber of times this channel has been viewed.Int
Total VideosNumber of public videos uploaded to this channel.Int
Total SubscribersNumber of subscribers this channel has, the value is rounded down to three significant figures.Int

YouTube Playlist Type

Defines the mapping options of a YouTube Playlist object.

YouTube Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this playlist.String
TitleThe title of this playlist.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description of this playlist.StringLimit
Iframe PlayerGenerates an HTML embed playlist player with several configuration settings.String
Published AtThe date this playlist was published.StringDate
Thumbnail URLThe URL to this playlist thumbnail with different size options, Low, Medium (default), High Resolution, Standard, and Max ResolutionString
Thumbnail WidthThe width of this playlist thumbnail with same size options as for URL.String
Thumbnail HeightThe height of this playlist thumbnail with same size options as for URL.String