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Custom Source Provider

Learn how to create a Custom Multi-Instance Source.

Extending YOOtheme Pro

The following guide assumes you are already familar with code, PHP, and extending YOOtheme Pro.

1. Create the Source Main Class

Start by creating a PHP Class that extends AbstractSourceType and implements the SourceInterface interface. Store it into a YOOtheme Pro Child Theme or Module.


use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\Type\AbstractSourceType;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\Type\SourceInterface;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\SourceService;

class MySource extends AbstractSourceType implements SourceInterface
    // declare here the source types and queries
    public function types(): array;

2. Create the Source Config

Create a config file in JSON format that will specify the source configuration, store it beside the PHP class as config.json.

  "name": "",
  "title": "",
  "icon": "",
  "description": "",
  "fields": {}
NameThe source name prefixed, e.g. mysource.
TitleThe source title as should appear in the UI, e.g. My Source.
IconThe absolute path to the source icon.
FieldsThe source fields configuration. Those will hold the values of the configuration and are based on the same workflow as the Elements Fields.
DescriptionThe source description explaining what the source is for.
GroupSources with the same group will be displayed under the same section in the UI.
CollectionSources of the same collection will be displayed joined in the UI, indicating a strong relation between them.

3. Create a Source Type Class

Create a PHP Class that specifies the source content mapping configuration, it must extend ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\AbstractObjectType and implement the ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\HasSourceInterface interface. Store it beside the main class.


use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\AbstractObjectType;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\HasSourceInterface;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\SourceService;

class MySourceType extends AbstractObjectType implements HasSourceInterface
    // a unique name is required for the type registration,
    // using the source config is in general a good way to do so
    public function name(): string
        return 'mySource_' . sha1(json_encode($this->source->config())));

    // return a standard config for the Type based
    // on the current source configuration
    public function config(): array
        $fields = [];
        $config = $this->source->config();

        // apply your logic to form the Type fields
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            // we recommend to cleanup the fields names as
            // to ensure it follows Graph Schema standards
            $fields[SourceService::encodeField($value)] = [
                'type' => 'String',
                'metadata' => [
                    'label' => 'Field Label',
                    'fields' => []

        return [
            'fields' => $fields,
            'metadata' => [
                'type' => true,
                'label' => $this->label(),

4. Create a Source Query Class

Create a PHP Class that specifies the source content query arguments and resolving, it must extend ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\AbstractQueryType and implement the ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\HasSourceInterface interface. Store it beside the main class.


use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\AbstractQueryType;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\GraphQL\HasSourceInterface;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\SourceService;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\Type\Csv\CsvSource;
use ZOOlanders\YOOessentials\Source\Type\SourceInterface;

class MySourceQueryType extends AbstractQueryType implements HasSourceInterface
    private $mySourceType;

    public function __construct(SourceInterface $source, MySourceType $mySourceType)

        // declare the source type/s for use in the config
        $this->mySourceType = $mySourceType;

    // a unique name for the query type,
    // we recommend using the source id
    public function name(): string
        return "mySource_{$this->source()->id()}_query";

    public function config(): array
        return [

            'fields' => [

                $this->name() => [
                    'type' => ['listOf' => $this->mySourceType->name()],

                    'args' => [

                        'offset' => [
                            'type' => 'Int',
                        'limit' => [
                            'type' => 'Int',


                    'metadata' => [
                        'group' => 'My Source',
                        'label' => $this->label(),
                        'fields' => [],

                    'extensions' => [
                        'call' => [
                            'call' => __CLASS__ . '::resolve',
                            'args' => [
                                // is important to provide the source id
                                'source_id' => $this->source->id(),




5. Declare the Source

Now that the classes are ready we can update the Main Class and declare it as a source.


class MySource extends AbstractSourceType implements SourceInterface
    // update this function
    public function types(): array
        return [
            new MySourceType($this),
            new MySourceQueryType($this)


Declare the custom source by adding a yooessentials-sources key to the config.php or bootstrap.php file referencing the class.


require_once __DIR__ . '/sources/MySource/MySource.php';

return [
    'yooessentials-sources' => [
        'my-source' => MySource::class