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The ZOO import/export feature is automatically overridden by the ZOOlanders Essentials version. It advantages is the support for custom elements and multi-steps process, which avoids timeout errors with big sized files. The supported formats are JSON and CSV.


You can always revert to the ZOO default version by disabling the ZOOlanders ZOOport Plugin.


When exported to JSON, a complete App data will be exported into one single file. This format is recommended when moving data from one App instance to another.


Bear in mind that the generated JSON file is not compatible with the ZOO native importer.


The CSV format has it limitations and it usage should be limited when moving data in or out of ZOO.

Currently only this elements are supported: Text/Pro, Textarea/Pro, Link/Pro, GoogleMaps/Pro, Date/Pro, Image/Pro, Media/Pro, Download/Pro, RelatedItems/Pro, RelatedCategories/Pro, Email, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Country, Gallery, PricePro, Quantity & AddToCart.


Formatting a CSV file can be confusing. To get an accurate CSV example populate the App instance with dummy data and export it.

Updating Existing Data

A popular use for the CSV format it to update the element data of existing ZOO items. For such provide a column with items IDs and set it as Id during element assignment step.


Updating categories is not supported.