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TextPro Element

The TextPro Element extends with new features the ZOO Text element. Once the element is set in the Type there are several configuration params that differ from the ZOO ones.

Additional OptionsToggles the additional edit layout fields.
Allowed InputAllows limiting the input allowed characters.
Input ExceptionsUsed in combination with Allowed Input to set exceptions.
DefaultDefault field value when new Item is created.
Maximum CharactersThe maximum amount of characters allowed inputting.

Default Layout

Renders the text content.

PrefixThe text to be prefixed to the text.
SuffixThe text to be suffixed to the text.
Maximum CharactersThe maximum amount of characters allowed to be rendered.

Widgetkit Layout

Widgetkit layout is a integration layer between the element and Widgetkit allowing to render a Widget using the element data as content. For details about configuration options visit the Widgetkit documentation.