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ZOOitem Pro

ZOOitem Pro is a module that renders ZOO items with advanced pre-filtering.


Several layouts are available right out of the box.

Default Layout

Renders the pre-filtered Items in an Unordered List.

Renderer LayoutThe ZOO render layout that will be used for the Items rendering.
Media PositionThe media position alignment.
Cache TimeThe Items caching time before they are recached. Set to 0 to disable caching.
Module Class SuffixThe class that will be prefixed to the module wrapper.
Filter/OrderThis layout supports the advanced filter and order feature.

Current Layout

Constrained to Item full view renders current Item content in positions outside ZOO.

Renderer LayoutThe ZOO render layout that will be used for the Items rendering.
Media PositionThe media position alignment.
Module Class SuffixThe class that will be prefixed to the module wrapper.

CurrentTags Layout

Constrained to Item full view renders Items that are tagged with current Item tags. Supports additional pre-filtering.

Renderer LayoutThe ZOO render layout that will be used for the Items rendering.
Media PositionThe media position alignment.
Cache TimeThe Items caching time before they are recached. Set to 0 to disable caching.
Module Class SuffixThe class that will be prefixed to the module wrapper.
Filter/OrderThis layout supports the advanced filter and order feature.

Currentcat Layout

Constrained to Category full view renders current Category Items. Supports additional pre-filtering.

Renderer LayoutThe ZOO render layout that will be used for the Items rendering.
Media PositionThe media position alignment.
Cache TimeThe Items caching time before they are recached. Set to 0 to disable caching.
Module Class SuffixThe class that will be prefixed to the module wrapper.
Filter/OrderThis layout supports the advanced filter and order feature.

Grid Layout

Renders the pre-filtered Items in a grid.

Renderer LayoutThe ZOO render layout that will be used for the Items rendering.
Media PositionThe media position alignment.
Cache TimeThe Items caching time before they are recached. Set to 0 to disable caching.
ColumnsThe number of columns to be used when displaying the grid.
Module Class SuffixThe class that will be prefixed to the module wrapper.
Filter/OrderThis layout supports the advanced filter and order feature.

Widgetkit Layout

Widgetkit layout is a integration layer between the module and Widgetkit allowing to render a Widget using the module Items as content. For details about configuration options visit the Widgetkit documentation.


Filter Settings

AppsFilters the Items by the Apps they are part of. No selection equals to all.
TypesFilters the Items by their Types. No selection equals to all.
CategoriesFilters the Items by the Categories they are part of. No selection equals to all.
TagsFilters the Items by the Tags they are tagged with. No selection equals to all.
AuthorFilters the Items by their Authors. Values are set with User IDs delimited by a comma. The [userid] variable can be used to add the ID of the current User.
Published StateFilters the Items by their Published State.
Frontpage StateFilters the Items by their Frontpage State.
OffsetThe query offset.
LimitThe query limit.
CreatedFilters the Items by its created date.
ModifiedFilters the Items by its modified date.
Published UpFilters the Items by its published up date.
Published DownFilters the Items by its published down date.


Dates inputs support [yesterday], [today] and [tomorrow] variables allowing dynamic filtering.


Filtering on repeatable dates is not supported.

Order Settings

RandomSets a random order for the filtered items.
ReverseReverse the final ordering.
PriorityIf enabled the Items priority would be considered for the ordering.
AlphanumericAllows choosing if the ordering should be done with alphanumeric values. Enable if your order is failing, specially if there are numbers involved.
CoreAllows to choose the core element by which will be made the order.


More options are available for the Element specific filtering and ordering depending of the App/Type selected.