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Static Content Element

The Static Content Element allows rendering static text, specific Items, Links and other content directly on the layout Positions. Being a Core element does not require any presetting and will be rendered for each Item.

Text/Plugin Layout

Allows displaying a static text.

TextThe text that will be displayed.
PluginsIf enabled the Joomla! Content Plugins will be evaluated on the entered text.

Displays different kind of links, Item, Category or Custom.

TextThe link text.
TitleThe link title.
New windowIf enabled the link will be opened in a new browser window.
RelThe link rel attribute.
Item linkDisplays a link to a ZOO item.
-- Item SourceAllows choosing the Item that will be link by Current, referencing the current Item being rendered or Specified, allowing to choose an specific Item.
-- Item IDIf the Item Source is set to Specific allows setting the Item ID which will be linked.
-- LayoutAllows selecting the layout that will be used to display the Item when the link is followed.
Category linkDisplays a link to a ZOO category
-- Category IDThe Category ID which will be linked.
Custom linkDisplays a custom link.
-- URLThe link URL.

Item Layout

Renders a specific ZOO item.

Item LayoutThe layout that will be used for rendering the item.
Item SourceAllows selecting the Item source by Current, referencing the current Item being rendered or Specified, allowing to choose an specific Item.
Item IDIf the Item Source is set to Specific allows setting the Item ID which will be rendered.

Module Layout

Displays a specific module.

ModuleThe Module that will be displayed.

Iframe Layout

Displays an iframe with a custom url or specified Item.

-- Item LayoutThe layout that will be used for rendering the item.
-- Item SourceAllows selecting the Item source by Current, referencing the current Item being rendered or Specified, allowing to choose an specific Item.
-- Item IDIf the Item Source is set to Specific allows setting the Item ID which will be rendered.
-- URLThe URL.