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MediaPro Element

The MediaPro Element extends with new features the ZOO Media element. Once the element is set in the Type there are several configuration params that differ from the ZOO ones.

PlayerSelect the Player which will be used for rendering the media. Currently supported jPlayer, JWPlayer and MediaElement.

JPlayer Layout

Renders the video using the JPlayer player.

WidthSet the Video width size. Notice that the Player Skin will not adapt to this size automatically.
HeightSet the Video height size. Notice that the Player Skin will not adapt to this size automatically.
AutoplayIf enabled the track will start playing on load.
LoopIf enabled the track/list will start over again once finished.
DisplayDisplay toggle. In situations where only Audio is required without any poster is desirable turning the Display off.
SkinThe Player Skin, additional skins can be stored in the mediapro/assets/players/jplayer/skins folder.
Preview imageSet an default media image. It will be overridden by the image selected on the Edit view.
PlaylistToggles the playlist mode.

JWPlayer Layout

Renders the video using the JWPlayer player.

WidthSet the Video width size. Notice that the Player Skin will not adapt to this size automatically.
HeightSet the Video height size. Notice that the Player Skin will not adapt to this size automatically.
AutoplayIf enabled the track will start playing on load.
SkinThe Player Skin, additional skins can be stored in the mediapro/assets/players/jwplayer/skins folder.
Preview imageAllows choosing a media image from another element value or local file.
PlaylistToggles the playlist mode.
CloudFront IntegrationToggles the CloudFront integration.
-- DistributionSet the CloudFront Distribution Domain Name from Amazon CloudFront configuration. Ex: 's1u4jtfxixe2o5' without
-- Key Pair IDKey Pair ID is managed in Amazon Account Manager.
-- Private KeySet the relative path to the Private Key file you have downloaded when Key Pair was created.

MediaElement Layout

Renders the video using the MediaElement player.

WidthSet the Video width size. Notice that the Player Skin will not adapt to this size automatically.
HeightSet the Video height size. Notice that the Player Skin will not adapt to this size automatically.
AutoplayIf enabled the track will start playing on load.
PreloadVideo preloading allows choosing None, the video will not be loaded until play is pressed, Metadata, only the video metadata (dimensions, first frame, track list, duration, etc.) will be preloaded and Auto, let the browser decide if the video should be preloaded.
CloudFront IntegrationToggles the CloudFront integration.
-- DistributionSet the CloudFront Distribution Domain Name from Amazon CloudFront configuration. Ex: 's1u4jtfxixe2o5' without
-- Key Pair IDKey Pair ID is managed in Amazon Account Manager.
-- Private KeySet the relative path to the Private Key file you have downloaded when Key Pair was created.