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The ZOOfilter Module renders the filter form with the following settings:

ItemsThe ZOO App and Type which Items will be filtered.
Form MethodThe method that will be used by the Form to send the search data, GET or POST.
Show OrderingIf enabled the Ordering Form will be displayed in the results page allowing to reorder the filtered results.
Show Search Page TitleIf enabled the Search Page Title field value will be displayed in the results page.
Search Page TitleThe search page title value.
Show Submit ButtonIf enabled the Submit button will be displayed in the search form.
Show Clear ButtonIf enabled the Clean button will be displayed in the search form allowing to clear the contents of any entered filtering criteria.
Show PermalinkIf enabled Get Permalink option will be displayed allowing to copy the URL of the result page.
Result ColumnsThe amount of columns with which the Items will be rendered in the results view.
Form ColumnsThe amount of columns with which the search elements will be rendered on the search form (only for module UIkit layout).
Items per PageThe amount of Items per page that will be displayed in the results view.
Max Number of ResultsBy default 1000, it will limit the amount of entries in the filter results. Any items matching the filter criteria that are beyond the limit will not be rendered.
Search form styleThe Layout that will be used for displaying the search form wrapper. Default layout will display the form using the standard styles while UIkit will display it using UIkit style.
Page LayoutThe Layout that will be used for displaying the results. Search page will display the results using standard results display while Json, exclusively for custom layouts, will return the result in JSON format. UIkit layout is like Search layout but with UIkit styling.
Ordering LayoutThe layout that will be used to render the order form.
Result LayoutThe layout that will be used to render the results view.
Module LayoutThe layout that will be used to render the form.
Result Page ItemidAllows associating the Results page with a Menu Item by appending the specified Itemid to the results page URL.
Module Class SuffixThe module class suffix, used for styling.


Take into consideration that Form POST method does not support pagination between results.