
Query Conditions

Filter Condition

Query Filter Condition
NameA name to better identify this condition.
StatusShould this condition be evaluated.
FieldThe field of the currently evaluated record to use for the condition evaluation.
OperatorThe operator for the evaluation, see full list bellow.
-- Is NullThe field must be null.
-- Is not NullThe field must not be null.
-- Is emptyThe field must be empty.
-- Is not emptyThe field must not be empty.
-- Equal ToThe field must be equal to the specified value.
-- Not Equal ToThe field must not be equal to the specified value.
-- Less thanThe field must be less than the specified value.
-- Greater thanThe field must be greater than the specified value.
-- Less than or equal toThe field must be less than or equal to the specified value.
-- Greater than or equal toThe field must be greater than or equal to the specified value.
-- Starts withThe field must start with the specified value.
-- Ends withThe field must end with the specified value.
-- LIKEThe field must match a pattern specified in value.
-- LIKE %%The field must match a pattern specified in value which will be wrapped with % wildcard that represents zero, one, or multiple characters.
ValueThe static or dynamic value that the field is being evaluated with.

Filter Evaluation Logic

Query Filter Conditions
Filters[]The list of filter conditions applied during the query execution.
ModeANDThe filter conditions evaluation logic, AND, OR, or Custom.
-- ANDAll conditions must evaluate as true.
-- ORAt least one condition must evaluate as true.
-- CustomReference a condition with brackets {} and it index number, e.g. {1}. Combine conditions with the logic operators AND|OR, e.g. {1} AND {2} OR {3}. Alter the execution order with parenthesis (), e.g. {1} AND ({2} OR {3}) where the conditions 2 and 3 will be evaluated first.

Order Condition

Query Order Condition
NameA name to better identify this condition.
StatusShould this condition be evaluated.
FieldThe field of the currently evaluated record to use for the condition evaluation.
DirectionThe ordering direction, ascendent ASC or descendent DESC.
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