Source Providers

Twitter Source

Content Source based on Twitter.

The Twitter Source feeds data from Twitter profiles and tweets. Based on the multi-instance source workflow it allows connecting to multiple accounts with different configurations.


The source settings determines the content structure, every time the instance is saved the structure will be regenerated.

Twitter Source Configuration
AccountThe Twitter Account which to authenticate with.

The following settings are common to all source instances.

Source Instance Common Settings
NameTwitterThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache Time3600The default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.

Content Structure

Be cautious, changing certain settings of an instance might affect it content structure and break existing content mappings.


Authentication is based on the OAuth protocol driven by the Twitter OAuth Driver. Due to Twitter API policies it is not possible to use a ZOOlanders oAuth App, instead you must setup a custom Twitter Dev App and use your own credentials.

Twitter OAuth Driver

Content Queries

For every source instance the following content queries will be made available as Dynamic Content option.

My Tweets Query

Fetches tweets from the authenticated account resolving to a list of Tweet Type.

Twitter Tweets Query
Amount20The maximum amount of tweets to fetch.
Since/UntilnullThe start and/or end datetime the fetched tweets will be restricted to.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

User Query

Fetches the authenticated user account resolving to a list of User Type.

Twitter User Query
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Content Types

The content types define the mapping options for the source content.

Tweet Type

The Tweet Type defines the mapping options of a Twitter Tweet object.

Twitter Tweet Mapping
IDUnique identifier of this Tweet.String
TextThe content of the Tweet.StringLimit
Text HTMLThe content of the Tweet as HTML.StringLimit
PermalinkThe Tweet URL, e.g.
Created AtThe time this Tweet was created.StringDate
LanguageLanguage of the Tweet, if detected by Twitter. Returned as a BCP47 language tag.String
Total RetweetsNumber of times this Tweet has been Retweeted.Int
Total RepliesNumber of Replies of this Tweet.Int
Total LikesNumber of Likes of this Tweet.Int
Total QuotesNumber of times this Tweet has been Retweeted with a comment (also known as Quote).Int

User Type

The User Type defines the mapping options of a Twitter User object.

Twitter User Mapping
IDUnique identifier of this user.String
UsernameThe Twitter handle (screen name) of this user.String
Created AtThe time this user account was created.StringDate
Profile URLThe URL specified in the user's profile, if present.String
Profile NameThe friendly name of this user, as shown on their profile.String
Profile ImageThe path to the locally cached profile image for this user, as shown on the user's profile.String
Profile DescriptionThe text of this user's profile description (also known as bio), if the user provided one.StringLimit
Total FollowersNumber of users who follows this user.Int
Total FollowingNumber of users this user is following.Int
Total TweetsNumber of Tweets (including Retweets) posted by this user.Int
Total ListedNumber of lists that include this user.Int