Source Providers

Vimeo Source

Content Source based on Vimeo.

The Vimeo Source feeds data from Vimeo media. Based on the multi-instance source workflow it allows connecting to multiple accounts with different configurations.


The source settings determines the content structure, every time the instance is saved the structure will be regenerated.

Vimeo Source Configuration
AccountThe Vimeo Account which to authenticate with.

The following settings are common to all source instances.

Source Instance Common Settings
NameVimeoThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache Time3600The default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.

Content Structure

Be cautious, changing certain settings of an instance might affect it content structure and break existing content mappings.


Authentication is based on the OAuth protocol driven by the Vimeo OAuth Driver.

Vimeo OAuth Driver

Content Queries

For every source instance the following content queries will be made available as Dynamic Content option.

My Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Video Type.

My Vimeo Videos Query
QueryThe search term by which to filter the videos.
AttributeThe video attribute by which to filter the videos, within Featured, Live, and No Live.
TagsComma separated tags by which to filter the videos.
SortDefaultThe order of the videos, within Default, Alphabetical, Date, Modified, Duration, Last User Action, Total Plays, and Total Likes.
DirectionDescendingThe order direction of the videos, Ascending or Descending.
Page1The page number of the videos.
Per Page25The number of videos to return on each page, up to a maximum of 100.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

My Folder Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account specific folder and resolves to a list of Video Type.

My Vimeo Folder Videos Query
Folder IDThe unique identifier of the folder from which to retrieve the videos.
Include SubfoldersWhether to include videos of all subfolders.
QueryThe search term by which to filter the videos.
SortDefaultThe order of the videos, within Default, Alphabetical, Date, Duration, and Last User Action.
DirectionDescendingThe order direction of the videos, Ascending or Descending.
Page1The page number of the videos.
Per Page25The number of videos to return on each page, up to a maximum of 100.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

My Showcase Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account specific showcase and resolves to a list of Video Type.

My Vimeo Showcase Videos Query
Showcase IDThe unique identifier of the showcase from which to retrieve the videos.
PasswordThe password of the showcase in case it has one.
QueryThe search term by which to filter the videos.
SortDefaultThe order of the videos, within Default, Alphabetical, Comments, Date, Modified, Duration, Total Plays, and Total Likes.
DirectionDescendingThe order direction of the videos, Ascending or Descending.
Page1The page number of the videos.
Per Page25The number of videos to return on each page, up to a maximum of 100.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Content Types

The content types define the mapping options for the source content.

Video Type

The Video Type defines the mapping options of a Vimeo Video object.

Vimeo Video Mapping
IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
URLThe URL of this video, e.g.
Custom URLThe custom URL of this video.String
TypeThe type of this video, live (is or was a live event), stock (is a Vimeo Stock video), or video (standard Vimeo video).String
TitleThe title of this video.StringLimit
DescriptionA brief explanation of this video's content.StringLimit
DurationThe duration of this video in seconds.Int
LanguageThe primary language of this video.String
LicenseThe Creative Commons license given to this video under BY, BY-NC, BY-NC-ND, BY-NC-SA, BY-ND, BY-SA, or CC0.String
ThumbnailThe path to the locally cached video picture.String
WidthThe width of this video in pixels.Int
HeightThe height of this video in pixels.Int
TagsA formated list of all tags assigned to this video, joined with a custom separator.String
CategoriesA formated list of all categories this video belongs to, joined with a custom separator, optional link and style.String
Created AtThe time this video was created.StringDate
Released AtThe time this video was released.StringDate
Modified AtThe time this video was modified.StringDate
Total PlaysNumber of times this video has been played.Int
Total CommentsNumber of times this video has been commented.Int

User Type

The User Type defines the mapping options of a Vimeo User object.

Vimeo User Mapping
IDThe unique identifier of this user.String
URLThe absolute URL of this user profile page.String
NameThe display name of this user.String
GenderThe gender of this user.String
BioThe long bio text of this user.StringLimit
Bio ShortThe short bio text of this user.StringLimit
LocationThe location of this user.String
Is ExpertWhether the creator enrolled in and successfully completed the Vimeo Experts program.String
My Playlist