Source Providers

Google Business Profile Source

Content Source based on Google Business Profile.

The Google Business Profile Source creates sources based on Google Business Profile (a.k.a Google My Business) content. Based on the multi-instance source workflow, it allows connecting to multiple accounts with different configurations.

Refer to the following table for all the available sources and it queries.

Source / QueryResolves ToDescription
Location QueryLocation TypeFetches the location content.
-- Open HoursPeriod TypeMulti Item subquery that fetches the location open hours period.
-- Special HoursPeriod TypeMulti Item subquery that fetches the location special hours period.
Review QueryReview TypeFetches a single location review.
Reviews QueryReview TypeFetches location reviews.
Media QueryMedia TypeFetches location media.
Posts QueryPost TypeFetches location posts.


The source settings determines the content structure, every time the instance is saved the structure will be regenerated.

Google Business Profile location Source
AccountThe Google Account which to authenticate with.
ProfileThe Google Business Profile from which to retrieve the locations.
LocationThe Google Business Profile location from which to create the source.

The following settings are common to all source instances.

Source Instance Common Settings
NameGoogle Business ProfileThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache Time3600The default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.

Content Structure

Be cautious, changing certain settings of an instance might affect it content structure and break existing content mappings.


Authentication is based on the OAuth protocol driven by the Google OAuth Driver.

Google OAuth Driver

Content Queries

For every source instance the following content queries will be made available as Dynamic Content option.

Location Query

Fetches a single location from the profile resolving to a Location Type.

Google Business Profile Location Query
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.
Multiple Items
-- Business HoursA subquery fetching this location open hours.
-- Special HoursA subquery fetching this location special hours.

Review Query

Fetches a single review from the profile location resolving to a Review Type.

Google Business Profile Review Query
ReviewThe location review which content to fetch.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Reviews Query

Fetches reviews from the profile location resolving to a list of Review Type.

Google Business Profile Reviews Query
Order ByLatestThe order by which to fetch the reviews, Latest, Rating Ascending, or Rating Descending.
Quantity10The maximum amount of reviews to fetch.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Media Query

Fetches media from the profile location resolving to a list of Media Type.

Google Business Profile Media Query
Quantity20The maximum amount of media to fetch.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Posts Query

Fetches posts from the profile location resolving to a list of Post Type.

Google Business Profile Post Query
Quantity20The maximum amount of posts to fetch.
Cache3600The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.

Content Types

The content types define the mapping options for the source content.

Location Type

The Location Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Location object.

Google Business Profile Location Mapping
IDThe unique identifier of this location.String
TitleThe title of this location.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description of this location.StringLimit
PhoneThe primary phone number of this location.String
WebsiteThe website of this location.String
CategoryThe primary category that describes this location business.String
LabelsThe free-form tags of this location, separated by a comma.String
LanguageThe language of this location.String
Store CodeThe external identifier for this location.String
CoordinatesThe latitude and longitude for this location, separated by a comma.String
LatitudeThe latitude for this location.String
LongitudeThe longitude for this location.String
Total ReviewsThe number of reviews for this location.Int
Average RatingThe average star rating of all reviews for this location on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest rating.Int
Reviews URIThe Google URI pointing to this location reviews.String
New Review URIThe Google URI pointing to a form where a new review for this location can be posted.String
Google Maps URIThe Google Maps URI pointing to this location.String
Google Maps Place IDThe Google Maps Place ID for this location.String
AddressThe address for this location.Postal Address

Review Type

The Review Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Location Review object.

Google Business Profile Location Review Mapping
IDThe unique identifier of this location.String
CommentThe body of this review comment as plain text with markups.StringLimit
Original CommentThe comment of this review without translation.StringLimit
Translated CommentThe translated comment of this review.StringLimit
Star RatingThe star rating given by this review where five is the highest rated.Int
Created AtThe date this review was created.StringDate
Updated AtThe date this review was last modified.StringDate
ReplyThe owner/manager of this location's reply to this review.Review Reply Type
ReviewerThe author of this review.Reviewer Type

Review Reply Type

The Review Reply Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Review Reply object.

Google Business Profile Review Reply Mapping
CommentThe body of this reply as plain text with markups.StringLimit
Updated AtThe date this reply was last modified.StringDate

Reviewer Type

The Reviewer Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Reviewer object.

Google Business Profile Reviewer Mapping
Display NameThe name of the reviewer, only populated with the reviewer's real name if is not anonymous.String
Profile Photo URLThe path to the locally cached reviewer profile photo.String
Is AnonymousIndicates whether the reviewer has opted to remain anonymous.Boolean

Post Type

The Post Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Post object.

Google Business Profile Post Mapping
IDThe unique identifier of this post.String
URLThe link to the post in Google search.String
Topic TypeThe topic type of the post, STANDARD, EVENT, OFFER, or ALERT.String
SummaryThe description/body of the post.String
Primary Media URLThe path to the locally cached post primary media thumbnail.String
LanguageThe language of the post.String
Created AtThe date this post was created.StringDate
Updated AtThe date this post was last modified.StringDate
-- Coupon CodeOffer code that is usable in store or online.String
-- Redeem Online URLOnline link to redeem this offer.String
-- Terms & ConditionsTerms and conditions of this offer.String

Media Type

The Media Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Media object.

Google Business Profile Media Mapping
IDThe unique identifier of this media.String
DescriptionThe description of this media.StringLimit
FormatThe format of this media, PHOTO, VIDEO, OR MEDIA_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED.String
WidthThe width of the media, in pixels.String
HeightThe height of the media, in pixels.String
Thumbnail URLThe path to the locally cached media thumbnail.String
Source URLA publicly accessible URL where the media can be retrieved from.String
Google URLThe Google-hosted URL for this media. For video this will be a preview image with an overlaid play icon.String
Created AtThe date this media was created.StringDate
Total ViewsThe number of times this media has been viewed.Int
-- Profile NameThe name of the attributed user.String
-- Profile URLThe URL of the attributed user's Google Maps profile page.String
-- Profile Photo URLThe path to the locally cached attributed user's profile photo thumbnail.String
Location Association
-- CategoryThe category that this location photo belongs to.String
-- Price List Item IDThe ID of a price list item that this location media is associated with.String

Period Type

The Period Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile time period object.

Google Business Profile Time Period Mapping
Open PeriodThe current period during which the location is open, formated as {start time} - {end time} with a custom time format setting.String
Open DayThe day of the week this period starts on.String
Close DayThe day of the week this period ends on.String
Open TimeThe time this period starts on.StringTime
Close TimeThe time this period ends on.StringTime

Postal Address Type

The Postal Address Type defines the mapping options of a Google Business Profile Postal Address object.

Google Business Profile Postal Address Mapping
OrganizationThe name of the organization for this address.String
AddressThe address lines separated by comma.String
Address FullThe address lines with postal, locality and area separated by comma.String
LocalityThe city/town portion of this address.String
SublocalityThe sublocality of this address, this can be neighborhoods, boroughs, districts.String
Administrative AreaThe highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region.String
Region CodeThe CLDR region code of the country/region of this address.String
Sorting CodeThe country-specific sorting code, if applicable.String
Postal CodeThe postal code of this address, if applicable.String
Language CodeThe BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address.String
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