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Global Request Source

The Request Source is a global souce that expose the current page request with the following fields.

Request Source

Request Source Fields

TimestampThe date and time the page was requested, e.g. 2024-05-10 10:20.
HrefThe href tha was requested, e.g.
IPThe IP from which the page was requested, e.g.
MethodThe method the pas was requested with , e.g. GET.
OriginThe origin from which the page was requested, e.g.
User AgentThe agent from which the page was requested, e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh....
ParamThe URL query param specified by a name or path, e.g. foo or foo.0.
QueryThe URL query, e.g. ?foo=bar&q=zoo.
SchemeThe URL scheme, e.g. http.
HostThe URL host, e.g.
PortThe URL port, e.g. 3360.
PathThe URL path, e.g. /index.php.
FragmentThe URL fragment, e.g. #fragment.