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Bluesky Source Provider

The Bluesky Source feeds data from the Bluesky social platform supporting Author Feed, List Feed, Posts and Profile queries.


Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600
ActorThe Bluesky actor AT Identifier from which to create the source.

Author Feed Query

Fetches posts and reposts made by the authenticated profile and resolves to Feed Type.

LimitThe maximum number of posts to fetch.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

List Feed Query

Fetches posts and reposts from profiles from a list and resolves to Feed Type.

ListThe list of profiles from which to create the source from.
LimitThe maximum number of posts to fetch.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Posts Query

Fetches posts made by the authenticated profile matching a search criteria and resolves to Post Type.

QuerySyntax, phrase, boolean, and faceting is unspecified, but Lucene query syntax is recommended.
SinceFilter results for posts after the indicated datetime (inclusive). Can be a datetime, or just an ISO date YYYY-MM-DD.
UntilFilter results for posts before the indicated datetime (not inclusive). Can be a datetime, or just an ISO date YYYY-MM-DD.
MentionsFilter to posts which mention the given account.
LanguageFilter to posts in the given language. Expected to be based on post language field, though Bluesky server may override language detection.
DomainFilter to posts with URLs (facet links or embeds) linking to the given domain (hostname). Bluesky server may apply hostname normalization.
URLFilter to posts with links (facet links or embeds) pointing to this URL. Bluesky server may apply URL normalization or fuzzy matching.
TagFilter to posts with the given tag (hashtag), based on rich-text facet or tag field. Do not include the hash (#) prefix. Multiple tags can be specified, with AND matching.
LimitThe maximum number of posts to fetch.
SortThe order by wich to sort the posts, Top or Latest.Top
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Profile Query

Fetches the authenticated profile detailed data and resolves to Profile Type.

CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Feed Type

Defines the mapping options of a Bluesky Feed object.

PostThe feed post.Post

Post Type

Defines the mapping options of a Bluesky Post object.

CIDUnique identifier of the content.String
URIUniform Resource Identifier of the post.String
AuthorAuthor of the post.Profile
TextText of the post.StringLimit
Media TypeIf present, the type of media in the post.String
ImagesImages of the post.Post Image
Images CountsThe total amount of images of the post.Int
VideosVideos of the post.Post Video
GIFGIF of the post.Post GIF
Reply CountNumber of replies to the post.Int
Repost CountNumber of reposts of the post.Int
Like CountNumber of likes on the post.Int
Quote CountNumber of quotes of the post.Int
Indexed AtTimestamp when the post was indexed.StringDate

Post Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a Bluesky Post Video object.

CIDContent Identifier for the video.String
Thumbnail URLURL of the thumbnail image.String
PlaylistURL of the video playlist, or a single video.String
HeightHeight of the video.Int
WidthWidth of the video.Int

Post Image Type

Defines the mapping options of a Bluesky Post Image object.

Thumbnail URLURL of the thumbnail image.String
Fullsize URLURL of the full-size image.String
Alt TextAlternative text for the image.StringLimit
HeightHeight of the image.Int
WidthWidth of the image.Int

Post GIF Type

Defines the mapping options of a Bluesky Post GIF object.

URIURL of the GIF.String
TitleTitle of the GIF.StringLimit
DescriptionDescription of the GIF.StringLimit
Thumbnail URLURL of the thumbnail image.String

Profile Type

Defines the mapping options of a Bluesky Profile object.

DIDUnique identifier.String
HandleUnique alias used as username and url for the profile.String
Display nameProfile Display Name.String
DescriptionProfile description.StringLimit
AvatarProfile avatar URL.String
BannerProfile banner URL.String
Created AtProfile date of creation.StringDate
Followers CountTotal number of followers.Int
Follows CountTotal number of follows.Int
Posts CountTotal number of posts.Int