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TikTok Source Provider

The TikTok Source feeds media from TikTok supporting My Videos query.


Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

TikTok Source Configuration

AccountThe TikTok Account which to authenticate with.

My Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Video Type.

TikTok Videos Query

Filter by IDFilter videos comma separated list of IDs, up to maximum 20 videos.
Filter by dateFilter videos created before the specified date.
StartThe starting point, e.g of a list of 20 videos start from the number 2.1
QuantityThe maximum amount of videos to retrieve.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a TikTok Video object.

TikTok Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
TitleThe title of this video, max length 150.StringLimit
DescriptionThe description for this video, max length 150.StringLimit
DurationThe duration of this video in seconds.Int
WidthThe width of this video.Int
HeightThe height of this video.Int
CoverThe path to the locally cached video cover.String
Embed LinkThe embed link of for this video.String
Embed HTMLThe HTML code for embedded video.String
Share URLA shareable link for this video. Note that the website behaves differently on Mobile and Desktop devices.String
Created AtThe time this video was created.StringDate
Total SharesNumber of times this video has been shared.Int
Total LikesNumber of times this video has been liked.Int
Total CommentsNumber of times this video has been commented.Int
Total ViewsNumber of times this video has been viewed.Int