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Cloudflare Stream Source Provider

The Cloudflare Stream Source feeds data from Cloudflare Stream supporting Video and Videos queries.


Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Cloudflare Stream Source Configuration

TokenThe Cloudflare API Token which to authenticate with.
AccountThe Cloudflare account which to connecto to.
Signing KeyAn auto-generated key used to signing private videos. Not necessary for public videos.

Video Query

Fetches a single video from the authenticated account and resolves to a Video Type.

Cloudflare Stream Video Query

VideoThe Cloudflare Stream video to create the source from.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Videos Query

Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Video Type.

Cloudflare Stream Videos Query

SearchThe video name search term by which to filter the results.
Since/UntilRestricts the results to videos that have been published within the specified range of dates.
StatusThe status by whic to filter the results, within Ready, Queued, In Progress, Downloading, and Error.Ready
QuantityThe amount of videos to fetch.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Video Type

Defines the mapping options of a Cloudflare Stream Video object.

Cloudflare Stream Video Mapping

IDThe unique identifier of this video.String
TitleThe title of this video.StringLimit
Iframe URLGenerates an iframe URL with Autoplay, Loop, Muted, Controls, and Time arguments.String
Preview URLThe preview URL of this video.String
Playback URLThe streaming playback URL of this video.String
SizeThe formated size of this video.String
DurationThe duration of this video in seconds.Int
WidthThe width of this video in pixels.Int
HeightThe height of this video in pixels.Int
ThumbnailThe path to the dynamically generated and locally cached thumbnail of this video, with Time, Height, Width, and Fit arguments.String
Thumbnail (animated)The path to the dynamically generated and locally cached animated thumbnail of this video, with Time, Height, Width, and Fit arguments.String
Created AtThe time this video was created.StringDate
Modified AtThe time this video was last modified.StringDate
Uploaded AtThe time this video was uploaded.StringDate