Cloudflare Stream Source Provider
The Cloudflare Stream Source feeds data from Cloudflare Stream supporting Video and Videos queries.
Setting | Description | Default |
Name | The name that will identify this source instance. | |
Default Cache Time | The default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration. | 3600 |
Setting | Description |
Token | The Cloudflare API Token which to authenticate with. |
Account | The Cloudflare account which to connecto to. |
Signing Key | An auto-generated key used to signing private videos. Not necessary for public videos. |
Video Query
Fetches a single video from the authenticated account and resolves to a Video Type.
Setting | Description | Default | Dynamic |
Video | The Cloudflare Stream video to create the source from. | ✓ | |
Cache | The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed. | 3600 |
Videos Query
Fetches videos from the authenticated account and resolves to a list of Video Type.
Setting | Description | Default | Dynamic |
Search | The video name search term by which to filter the results. | ✓ | |
Since/Until | Restricts the results to videos that have been published within the specified range of dates. | ✓ | |
Status | The status by whic to filter the results, within Ready, Queued, In Progress, Downloading, and Error. | Ready | |
Quantity | The amount of videos to fetch. | 20 | ✓ |
Cache | The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed. | 3600 |
Video Type
Defines the mapping options of a Cloudflare Stream Video object.
Option | Description | Type | Filters |
ID | The unique identifier of this video. | String | |
Title | The title of this video. | String | Limit |
Iframe URL | Generates an iframe URL with Autoplay, Loop, Muted, Controls, and Time arguments. | String | |
Preview URL | The preview URL of this video. | String | |
Playback URL | The streaming playback URL of this video. | String | |
Size | The formated size of this video. | String | |
Duration | The duration of this video in seconds. | Int | |
Width | The width of this video in pixels. | Int | |
Height | The height of this video in pixels. | Int | |
Thumbnail | The path to the dynamically generated and locally cached thumbnail of this video, with Time, Height, Width, and Fit arguments. | String | |
Thumbnail (animated) | The path to the dynamically generated and locally cached animated thumbnail of this video, with Time, Height, Width, and Fit arguments. | String | |
Created At | The time this video was created. | String | Date |
Modified At | The time this video was last modified. | String | Date |
Uploaded At | The time this video was uploaded. | String | Date |