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Airtable Source Provider

The Airtable Source feeds data from Airtable bases supporting Record and Records queries.


Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

Airtable Source Configuration

AccountThe Airtable Account which to authenticate with.
BaseThe Airtable base which to retrieve the data from.
TableThe Airtable base table which data to create the source with.

Record Query

Fetches a single record from an Airtable base and resolves to Record Type.

Record IDThe ID of the record to query.
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Records Query

Fetches records from an Airtable base and resolves to a list of Record Type.

ViewOptional table view to use instead of a raw query.
StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600

Record Type

The record type will be dynamically generated based on the Airtable base table schema by mapping field types with GraphQL types as follows.

Airtable Field TypesTypeFilters
Number, Count, Currency, Duration, Percent, Rating, Auto numberInt
AI Text, Long Text, Rich text, Single line textStringLimit
Date, Date and time, Created time, Last modified timeStringDate
Multiple selectString with separator
Created by, Last modified by, Collaborator, Multiple collaboratorsUser
Multiple attachmentsAttachment

Every record has the following fields available regardless of it schema.

IDThe unique identifier of this record.String
Created TimeThe unixstamp when this record was created.StringDate

User Type

EmailThe user email.String
NameThe user name.String
IDThe user unique identifier.String

Attachment Type

URLThe attachment url, e.g.
Notice that URLs expire 2 hours after being returned from the Airtable API.
FilenameThe attachment filename, e.g. foo.jpg.String
TypeThe attachment content type, e.g. image/jpeg.String
SizeThe attachment file size, in bytes.Int
WidthThe attachment width in pixels, if attachment is an image.Int
HeightThe attachment height in pixels, if attachment is an image.Int
ThumbnailThe attachment thumbnail, if attachment is an image.String
IDUnique attachment id.String