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XML Source Provider

The XML Source feeds data from any XML URL or local file, reading its structure and building a dedicated query and source types to the best of its abilities.


Source Instance Common Settings

NameThe name that will identify this source instance.
Default Cache TimeThe default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration.3600

If the source is a remote file, the URL and an optional API key-based authentication are required:

XML Source URL Settings

URLThe feed URL from which to generate the source content.
Requires AuthenticationIf the URL is protected by authorization.
AuthenticationThe authentication details to use.

When authentication is present, you can specify its details. Currently, only the API key method is supported, either via a header or a query parameter.

API Key Auth Settings

API KeyThe API key to use.
API Key ModeWhere the key is set, in a header or in a query parameter.
Parameter NameThe name of the header or of the query parameter where the API key is set.

If the source is a local file, the file path is required.

FileThe relative or absolute local path to the file to use as source.

XML Source URL Settings

Optionally, an XPath filter can be set, which will allow narrowing down your XML file if needed. It's also possible to map some of the result item properties to dedicated types, to make better use of YOOtheme Pro filters, such as dates or numbers.

XML Settings

XPath FilterOptional XPath filter, like /jobs/job.
Data TypesData type mapping for each field.

XML Query

Fetches records from the XML file and resolves to a list of dynamically generated record types based on the feed schema.

XML Source Query

StartThe offset applied to the query.1
QuantityThe limit applied to the query.20
CacheThe duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed.3600