Google Photos Source Provider
The Google Photos Source feeds media from Google Photos supporting Album, Albums and Album Media queries.
Setting | Description | Default |
Name | The name that will identify this source instance. | |
Default Cache Time | The default duration in seconds before the cache is renewed, set to 0 to disable caching. This setting can be overriden in each query configuration. | 3600 |
Setting | Description |
Account | The Google account which to authenticate with. |
Album Query
Fetches a single album resolving to a Album Type.
Setting | Description | Default | Dynamic |
Album ID | The ID of the album to query. | ✓ | |
Cache | The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed. | 3600 |
Album Media Query
Fetches media from a single album resolving to a list of Media Type.
Setting | Description | Default | Dynamic |
Album ID | The ID of the album to query. | ✓ | |
Type | The media type which to query, All, Images or Videos. | All | |
Order By | The order by which to query the media Date (desc) or Date (asc). | Date (desc) | |
Start | The offset applied to the query. | 1 | ✓ |
Quantity | The limit applied to the query. | 20 | ✓ |
Cache | The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed. | 3600 |
Albums Query
Fetches all albums from the library resolving to a list of Album Type.
Setting | Description | Default |
Cache | The duration in seconds before the cache is invalidated and the query re-executed. | 3600 |
Album Type
Defines the mapping options of a Google Photos Album object.
Option | Description | Type | Filters |
ID | Unique identifier of the album. | String | |
Title | Title of the album. | String | Limit |
Cover Photo URL | The album cover photo URL. | String | |
Total Media Count | The album total amount of media. | Int |
Media Type
Defines the mapping options of a Google Photos Media object.
Option | Description | Type | Filters |
ID | Opaque identifier of the media. | String | |
URL | The path to the locally cached media file, with optionall arguments Width and Height . | String | |
Description | Description of the media. This is shown to the user in the item's info section in the Google Photos app. | String | Limit |
Filename | Filename of the media. This is shown to the user in the item's info section in the Google Photos app. | String | |
MIME Type | MIME type of the media. For example, image/jpeg . | String |
Metadata Type
Defines the mapping options of a Google Photos Metadata object.
Option | Description | Type |
Width | Original width (in pixels) of the media. | Int |
Height | Original height (in pixels) of the media. | Int |
Creation Time | Time when the media was first created (not when it was uploaded to Google Photos). | String |
Camera Brand | Brand of the camera with which the photo was taken. | String |
Camera Model | Model of the camera with which the photo was taken. | String |
Frame Rate | Frame rate of the media in case is a video. | Int |
Camera ISO | ISO of the camera with which the photo was taken. | Int |
Focal Length | Focal length of the camera lens with which the photo was taken. | Int |
Aperture F | Aperture f number of the camera lens with which the photo was taken. | Int |
Exposure Time | Exposure time of the camera aperture in seconds when the photo was taken. | String |