User Level Access Rule

Validates against the current user's access or role level.

The User Level Access Rule evaluates whether the current user's access or role level matches one of the selection.


User Level Access Rule
SelectionThe Access or Role levels that the user must match, at least one, for the condition to be considered valid.
Match AllWhether all levels must be matched for the validation to pass.
ReversedWhether the evaluation result should be returned reversed. Use it to set a condition as IS NOT.
Advanced Settings
NameThe name to reference this condition.
StatusDefines if the condition is enabled or disabled.


Follow through the integration section for a detailed guide or go with these steps:

  1. Access the Advanced Tab -> Access Conditions panel of the element which output you want to restrict.
  2. Add a User Level rule from the Site collection.
  3. Fulfill the settings as required and go back to assure the evaluation is working as expected.
User Group