reCAPTCHA Element

A captcha solution from Google.

The reCAPTCHA element integrates Google reCAPTCHA service that helps protect websites from spam and abuse.

reCAPTCHA Element


TypeThe type of captcha to display, v2 Checkbox, v2 Invisible or v3.
Site/Secret KeyThe sit and secret keys obtained from reCAPTCHA Dashboard.
Error MessageA message that will be displayed if the element validation fails. Optionally use {fieldlabel} as a placeholder, it will be replaced with the field label.


reCAPTCHA v2 verifies if an interaction is legitimate with a captcha challenge presented in two variations. By default, only the most suspicious traffic will be prompted to solve a captcha. To alter this behavior edit the site security preference under the reCAPTCHA Admin Console advanced settings.

"I'm not a robot" Checkbox

Requires the user to click a checkbox indicating is not a robot.

reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox
LabelThe title for the field that represent the field data.
ThemeThe field style output, Light or Dark.
SizeThe field size output, Normal or Compact.

Invisible reCAPTCHA badge

A captcha might be invoked when the form is submitted, but the badge is always visible.

reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible
PositionThe badge position, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, or Inline.
LabelThe title for the field that should represent the field data, when the position is set as Inline.
ThemeThe badge style output, Light or Dark.


reCAPTCHA v3 verifies if an interaction is legitimate without any user interaction, instead of showing a CAPTCHA challenge it evaluates based on the returned score by the API.

Score ThresholdThe value below which to consider the submitter a bot. The score runs from 0.0 (bot) to 1.0 (human).
ActionThe action name for the captcha request. Used for more advanced integrations, may only contain alphanumeric characters and slashes.

Admin Console

The reCAPTCHA Admin Console allows you to manage your reCAPTCHA site and secret keys, and configure the settings of those at any time. It also allows you to permanently delete your reCAPTCHA keys.


  1. Access the reCAPTCHA Admin and obtain the Site & Secret Keys.
  2. Access a Builder layout and create a Form Area.
  3. Add a reCAPTCHA Element from the Form Essentials group.
  4. Access the element settings and input the obtained keys.