
Element - ImagePro

ImagePro extends with new features the ZOO Image element. Once the element is set in the Type there are several configuration params that differ from the ZOO ones.


  • Custom Options: If enabled the extra input fields be we displayed on the Edit view.
  • Title: Toggles the title field.
  • Link: Toggles the link field.
  • Lightbox: Toggles the lightbox field.
  • Overlay: Toggles the overlay field.


Default - default

Renders the current image with the following options:

  • Resize Width: If set a copy of the image would be resized to match the width and cached. Set the value in pixels or leave empty for disabling.
  • Resize Height: If set a copy of the image would be resized to match the height and cached. Set the value in pixels or leave empty for disabling.
  • Avoid Cropping: Allows choosing if and when the image cropping should be applied during resizing.
  • Link to Item: If enabled the image will be linked to the Item full view.
  • Enable Lightbox: Toggles the lightbox feature.
  • Enable Overlay: Toggles the Overlay feature.

Default - no_cache

Renders the current image without creating a cache copy with the following options:

  • Link to Item: If enabled the image will be linked to the Item full view.

Default - raw_path

Renders the current image raw path value.


Widgetkit layout is a integration layer between the element and Widgetkit allowing to render a Widget using the element data as content. For details about configuration options visit the Widgetkit documentation.

  • Link to Item: If enabled the image will be linked to the Item. Custom links take priority.
Google Maps Pro