FTP Storage Adapter

A storage adapter for the S/FTP protocol.

The S/FTP Storage Adapter stores files in a remote server using the S/FTP protocol.

S/FTP Storage Adapter
NameA name to identify this storage.
HostThe URL to the server hosting the folder.
PortThe port to use for establishing the connection with the server, defualts to 21.
Username/PasswordThe credentials for establishing the connection with the server.
RootThe remote path that will be used as the storage root.
Write PermissionWether the storage will have Write in addition to Read permission.
Passive ModeWether to use Passive Mode for the connection.
SSLWether to use SSL for the connection.
UTF8Wether to use UTF8 as the files content encoding format.
Ignore Passive AddressWether to ignore Passive Address for the connection.