Upload Field Element

A one-line file upload form control.

The Upload Element displays a <input type="file"> HTML element wrapped with a UIkit Custom Control, use it to allow users uploading one or more files from their device.

Upload Element


It inherits common settings with the following specifics:

Upload toThe server path where the file will be uploaded to.
FilenameAn optional filename to rename the uploaded file with.
Allow multipleShould be allowed to upload multiple files simultaneously.
Avoid collisionsShould the uploaded filename be renamed in the case of a name conflict with a pre-existing file. The new name will be the original name appended with _{n}, being n a sequential number.
Common Settings
LabelThe title for the field that represents the field data.
ControlThe name that identifies the field control within the form. It's required and must be unique for the Form Area.
ValueThe efault value for the field. The user can change it.
ReadonlyShould the field be read-only. Any default value will be unedible.
AutofocusShould the field will be autofocused as soon as the page loads. Only one field can be focused on each page.
Sync ID / ControlShould the field ID attribute obtain it value from the Control Name.


Upload Display
DisplayThe combination of HTML elements to show, Button & Input, Button, Link, or Native.
TextThe text for the button or link, if those are displayed.

Upload Input

Upload Input
IconThe name of the Icon that will be displayed inside the input field.
Icon AlignmentThe side of the field where the icon will be aligned, Left or Right.

Upload Button

Upload Button
Full WidthShould the button occupy the full width of its parent.
IconThe name of the Icon that will be displayed inside the input field.
Icon AlignmentThe side of the button where the icon will be aligned, Left or Right.


It inherits common validation with the following specifics:

ValidationDescriptionDynamicBrowser SideServer Side
Mime TypesThe comma-separated list of mime types that the uploaded files must constrain to, e.g. image/png, video/*.
ExtensionsThe comma-separated list of file extensions that the uploaded files must constrain to, e.g. png, jpg, gif.
Min File SizeThe minimum size that the uploaded files must constrain to, greater than or equal to, using any standard size unit B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, or YB.
Max File SizeThe maximum size that the uploaded files must constrain to, lower than or equal to, using the same size units as Min File Size.
Common Validation
ValidationDescriptionDynamicBrowser SideServer Side
RequiredDefines if the field must have a value.
Error MessageA message that will be displayed if the element validation fails. Optionally use {fieldlabel} as placeholder, it will be replaced with the field label.


  1. Access a Builder layout and create a Form Area.
  2. Add an Upload Element from the Form Essentials group.
  3. Access the element settings and input a Control Name.